January 9, 2013

Google Contacts Integrates With Google Voice

I'm not sure how long this has been there, but upon visiting Google Voice today I saw a new message and red "New!" label next to Google Contacts. You can now call and text directly from Google Contacts via Google Voice, which is a step in the right direction. As expected we see Google integrating their services to make them work seamlessly, and we hope to see more.


  1. What? Hasn't Google Contacts always been a part of Google Voice? I've been able to view and edit Google Contacts in Google Voice for a long time. I don't even remember that function not being part of the Google Voice experience on desktop.

  2. Just checked. What is this? I get the normal "Contacts" link that lets me edit my Google Contacts within Google Voice. Then I get another link below that which says, "New! Google Contacts". When I click on that link I get taken to the Google Contacts interface outside of Gmail and Google Voice. Why? What possible use is this?

  3. The implementation still needs polish, but it looks like Google wants to unify the way it handles contacts across its products. Before, there was a way to edit contacts within Google Voice, Gmail, and Google+, AND there was a standalone destination for Contacts. And they all had a different interface. Looks like Google wants to have just one place for all your contact needs. I just hope they figure out a way to do this without making it confusing or interrupting your flow of work.
